Inconsistent error messages in REST API V3

The REST API is sometimes using errorMessage property and some times moreInfo property to return the important information about the errors. This makes it very difficult to use these error messages on the client side to give useful information to the user / for logging. For example:

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Server: Jetty(9.4.26.v20200117)

  "errorMessage": "Only one data line detected. Please consider changing line delimiter.",
  "context": [
    "File Path dremioS3:/fup/7a407d7cda46709b65757e97c6c6fbbe"
  "moreInfo": "Please check the log file for details, see"


HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Server: Jetty(9.4.26.v20200117)

  "errorMessage": "Something went wrong. Please check the log file for details, see",
  "moreInfo": "Entity id does not match the path specified in the dataset."


HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Server: Jetty(9.4.26.v20200117)

  "errorMessage": "Something went wrong. Please check the log file for details, see",
  "moreInfo": "com.dremio.service.namespace.NamespaceNotFoundException: no listable entity found: Minio123.fup.\"844dab2a212e9a24258cccad17feec35\""

In the last two above, moreInfo property is used to hold the error information, while in the first one errorMessage is used to hold the error information. This makes it difficult to build the client error handlers.

Request: Please use a consistent structure so that clients can behave in consistent way

Thanks for the useful feedback @KrishnaPG, I will pass this on to the concerned team