I’m using the following code to try to test retrieval of data from a Dremio dataset. I am able to query the dataset via the Dremio interface, and my Python code (shown below) connects to the API and gets a valid job id, however when I try to retrieve data via a SQL query, I get the following error: {‘errorMessage’: ‘Something went wrong’, ‘moreInfo’: ‘Can not fetch details for a job that is in [RUNNING] state.’}
import json
import requests
username = 'summersmd'
password = 'abc1234'
headers = {'content-type':'application/json'}
dremioServer = 'http://localhost:9047'
def apiGet(endpoint):
return json.loads(requests.get('{server}/api/v3/{endpoint}'.format(server=dremioServer, endpoint=endpoint), headers=headers).text)
def apiPost(endpoint, body=None):
text = requests.post('{server}/api/v3/{endpoint}'.format(server=dremioServer, endpoint=endpoint), headers=headers, data=json.dumps(body)).text
# a post may return no data
if (text):
return json.loads(text)
return None
def apiPut(endpoint, body=None):
return requests.put('{server}/api/v3/{endpoint}'.format(server=dremioServer, endpoint=endpoint), headers=headers, data=json.dumps(body)).text
def apiDelete(endpoint):
return requests.delete('{server}/api/v3/{endpoint}'.format(server=dremioServer, endpoint=endpoint), headers=headers)
def login(username, password):
# we login using the old api for now
loginData = {'userName': username, 'password': password}
response = requests.post('http://localhost:9047/apiv2/login', headers=headers, data=json.dumps(loginData))
data = json.loads(response.text)
# retrieve the login token
token = data['token']
return {'content-type':'application/json', 'authorization':'_dremio{authToken}'.format(authToken=token)}
headers = login(username, password)
print (headers)
def querySQL(query):
queryResponse = apiPost('sql', body={'sql': query})
jobid = queryResponse['id']
return jobid
path = ['\"OneSource\"', 'CV_CANDIDATE_PORTFOLIO']
path = '.'.join([str(x) for x in path])
query = "SELECT * FROM {source}".format(source=path)
jobid = querySQL(query)
print (jobid)
results = apiGet('job/{id}/results?offset={offset}&limit={limit}'.format(id=jobid, offset=0, limit=100))
print (results)