Is it possible to access filename from query?

I have directories with .parquet files configured as datasets according to this:
I can access directory name using dir0-dirN aliases. But is it also possible to somehow access filename to, for example, filter query like this WHERE filename LIKE '20200801%'?
Cannot find any function or field like this.
Using filename mentioned here (Expose filename dates in query engine) gives me SQL syntax validation error.

I’m using the Community Edition Build 4.6.1-202007220122450047-62e084d0


Currently we do not have that feature in the product


Is this available yet or going to be made available.

One use case is where the date/timestamp of the file is in the filename, but there is no record within the file. (e.g. a structure used by AACT . Logically we want to hold entities in a single folder and be able to use the filename to add a date column to allow time-series analaysis.

It looks like the files from AACT can be pipe delimited or tab separated. If that’s accurate and if you are able to “partition” the files into separate directories, you should be able to see the directory names (as dir0, dir1… etc) when you promote/format the upper level directory. Like so:


So the feature requested doesn’t exist yet, and presumably it’s not in development?

@Dave0m Looks like you’re still struggling to get your use case running. See if this helps: S3 key prefix - dir0, dir1...dirN but no object/file name? - #2 by lenoyjacob

This does not work in all cases (like parquet or Iceberg datasets, i.e. post “unlimited splits”) and YMMV. But the method I posted above will work for all datasets.

Thank you - that helps massively!