@Harrini We do not have an exact date for V26 yet. Can you please check back in a month?
Parameterized prepared statements has already been released to Dremio Cloud and the documentation is here: JDBC Driver for Arrow Flight SQL | Dremio Documentation
The same docs should apply to v26 which is targeted for 2025.
Regarding the implementation, the primary driver was security and preventing SQL injection attacks. Parameterized SELECT statement will also benefit from the existing plan cache feature.
Hi @Benny_Chow ,
We agree that this is available in JDBC. But we are looking for the parametrized prepared statement option through ODBC since it allows us to use this feature directly in the Report Builder (paginated report)
@balaji.ramaswamy ,
Wanted to follow back on the same. Could you please kindly let us know if we have any update on this ?
@Harrini Yes, as Benny pointed out, already on cloud and expected to be in release 26 for software
@Harrini Apologize, i got it mixed up, ODBC at this point we do not have a specific ETA