Hi team,
I am facing an issue with incremental reflections in Dremio. Here’s the scenario:
- Setup:
I enabled an incremental reflection refresh every 5 minutes on a table, using the Last_Modified column (a TIMESTAMP column) as the incremental update column.
I created a VDS that selects specific columns from the table and applies a dynamic CURRENT_DATE filter on the Event_Date column:
SELECT camp_id, Msisdn, sumit_time, devlivery_time
FROM mysql16.EDA.“dremio_incremental_test007”
- Issue:
- After every 5-minute reflection refresh, I noticed that only the Event_Date filter is applied in the JDBC query, but the Last_Modified column is not being used for filtering.
Example JDBC query:
FROM (SELECTdremio_incremental_test005
) ASdremio_incremental_test005
= ‘2025-01-02’
- Observation with Static Date:
- When I replaced the dynamic date filter with a static date, as shown below, the reflection job filters on both the Last_Modified and Event_Date columns:
SELECT camp_id, Msisdn, sumit_time, devlivery_time
FROM mysql16.EDA.“dremio_incremental_test007”
WHERE Event_Date = ‘2025-01-02’
Example JDBC query:
FROM (SELECTdremio_incremental_test006
) ASdremio_incremental_test006
> ‘2025-01-02 20:56:51.000’ ANDEvent_Date
= ‘2025-01-02’
4.Further Tests:
I tried using different dynamic date formats (CURRENT_DATE() directly and through a function returning the current date).
I also tested by setting the ID column as the incremental update column instead of Last_Modified.
In all these tests, when using dynamic date formats, the Last_Modified column is not considered for filtering in the reflection query.
Why is the Last_Modified column not being used for filtering when a dynamic date filter is applied on the Event_Date column in the VDS? How can I resolve this behavior to ensure both columns are filtered correctly with dynamic dates?
Reflection Job Profile Query of VDS with Dyamic Date
143e7537-254e-408a-bb28-e914fe072528.zip (14.7 KB)
Reflection Job Profile Query of VDS with Static Date
cbad55e8-8ab2-4948-a67f-d577ce2d603c.zip (14.7 KB)
Thanks in advance for your insights!