We encountered the weird issue with connectivity to Dremio server with SSL using JDBC driver (driver version 4.9.1).
When we start the jar as it is (java -jar app.jar) and connect from it connection works fine.
But when we put the jar into Docker the connection fails with the following meaningless error: java.sql.SQLException: Failure in connecting to Dremio: cdjd.com.dremio.exec.rpc.ConnectionFailedException: CONNECTION : SSL negotiation failed with root cause java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Allocator doesn't support heap-based memory. at cdjd.org.apache.arrow.memory.ArrowByteBufAllocator.fail(ArrowByteBufAllocator.java:158) ~[dremio-jdbc-driver-4.9.1-202010230218060541-2e764ed0.jar!/:4.9.1-202010230218060541-2e764ed0] at cdjd.org.apache.arrow.memory.ArrowByteBufAllocator.heapBuffer(ArrowByteBufAllocator.java:129) ~[dremio-jdbc-driver-4.9.1-202010230218060541-2e764ed0.jar!/:4.9.1-202010230218060541-2e764ed0] at ...
We use the following Dockerfile:
FROM openjdk:8u171-jre-alpine3.7
ADD ./app.jar app.jar
VOLUME /opt/tester/
ENTRYPOINT [“sh”, “-c”, “java $JAVA_OPTIONS -jar /app.jar”]
Does anyone encountered the same issue? What may cause it?
Will appreciate any hints!
Hello Balaji!
Maybe I didn’t add enough information in the original question.
We have a Spring Boot application that has Dremio JDBC driver as dependency. We create JDBC Connection inside our application and the connection string looks like this:
When we simply package our application and run it as jar everything works fine.
If we put the application in the Docker container we receive the error stated above.
@cantoress The more recent versions of the JDBC driver requires “glibc” which is not packaged in the Alpine docker image. Either use an older JDBC version < 4.1 or is it possible to use a different docker image like RetHat UBI 8
I’ve also seen this error come up when the /tmp directory has noexec applied. A simple workaround is to set java.io.tmpdir to a local directory that has exec permissions.
@balaji.ramaswamy : I am trying to connect over SSL using Dremio JDBC Driver version 20.1.0 in a UBI8 image, and I verified that the image contains glibc library.
However, I am still getting “Failed SSL Connection” error.
Could you please let me know is there anything else that I need to do to make it work?
@ajaytushir Failed SSL is a very high level error and it tell us the SSL configuration is having issues, Is your Dremio server and JDBC client trusted?
@balaji.ramaswamy : I am able to connect successfully using Dremio driver version 3.0.6. So, I think the setup is good.
However, Dremio 20.1.0 is failing with the following exception:
Failed SSL connection from error:0A000126:SSL routines::unexpected eof while reading