Hi There,
I am new to dreamio, would like to know below,
In Java Application
- Process to connect to dremio
- Read the data and write to oracle database
- Configurations/Pooling if any
If someone can answer the above would be appreciated
Hi There,
I am new to dreamio, would like to know below,
In Java Application
If someone can answer the above would be appreciated
Dremio have a jdbc driver so you can connect as any other db.
with dremio you only can read data from sources, you can create vds throgth api or via sql, also can store results as parquet files
see driver options in first link
Thanks for reply @dacopan, appreciate it.
Since I am new to the dremio. It would be better if you can point me to an example.
Like say a Maven project which connects to Dremio
Read the data and write to oracle.
Thanks in Advance