Minio as Distributed Storage not work

I 'm working with Dremio and I have two docker containers . One container is Coodinator and other a executor. Works fine, I can use normally when I create a docker volume for folder “data” on Dremio. But, the distributed Storage don’t works for me. I’m use Minio and I created core-site.xml and I 'm doing the same is in the documentation.

Can you help me?

Can you expand a bit further on what “not work” means?
Any particular reason you are overriding paths.dist via java args?

Your endpoint has http, try again without it.

Endpoint can be either an IP or a hostname where Minio server is running. However, the endpoint value cannot contain the http(s):// prefix nor can it start with the string s3. For example, if the endpoint is, the value is

Sorry, I forget this configuration. But, now Dremio create the folder on Minio and die. I have a new error. The bucket exists , look that.

I was using the local storage and forget remove.