Hello friends, I again I’ve a error In last version of Dremio 22.0 when try load any VDS in any space Dremio can’t parse the query generate by PowerBi but load without problem any PDS
Hmm. Parsing error.
Encountered “\”" at line 1, column 8
Let me see if we can cook up a simpler repro.
Could you share VDS definition, please?
Also, can you run query in question directly from SQL Editor in Dremio?
SELECT "co"."NUM_PRESTAMO", "co"."DR_SALDO_TOTAL", "co"."in_ca_unica", "co"."DR_ID_PRODUCTO", "co"."FECHA_PROCESO", "co"."secuencial", "co"."SECUENCIAL_ANT", "co"."id_cliente", "co"."STATUS", "co"."CLASE_CREDITO", "co"."num_clascred", "co"."garantia", "co"."FEC_INICIAL", "co"."PLAZO_ACTUAL", "co"."cuotas_pagadas", "co"."cuotas_x_pagar", "co"."duenio", "co"."id_tipo_admin", "co"."cod_originador", "co"."NUM_CTA_AHORRO", "co"."tipo_cliente", "co"."capital_inicial", "co"."SALDO_CAPITAL", "co"."saldo_vigente_actual", "co"."saldo_ndi_actual", "co"."saldo_vencido_actual", "co"."riesgo_actual", "co"."dias_ven_actual", "co"."fecha_proximo_pago", "co"."saldo_adeudado_actual", "co"."COD_ORIGINADOR_SCD2", "co"."NUM_CLASCRED_SCD2", "co"."ID_DUENIO_SCD2", "co"."fecha_carga", "co"."id_fecha_dim"
FROM "lake"."credito"."business"."dr_ca_operacion" AS "co"
Hi, It is not a problem of VDS definition occure in all vds even in json examples included by dremio, but only in VDS if I load in powerbi any pds are ok
yes in editor same query run OK, only occurre with Powerbi odbc, I’ve tested using odbc fligth connector and run ok
I’ve the same problem. Every power bi query on all vds fail.
I’ve tested also with dremio 20.1 and same that this problem is not present.
Unable to reproduce on Dremio v22.0.0, using PowerBI (July 2022). Tested VDS load in spaces and external sources.
Which version of Power BI Desktop do you have installed? (Help - About.)
- Note: from April 2022 releases of PBI Desktop and Gateway the custom connector (Dremio.mez file) should be removed
Hi, Is powerbi last version (July 2022) is a fresh install in new machine, Dremio.mez not present
And Dremio community 22.0.0 in a RHEL 8 with java 8
How is configured your environment?
Hello @RavB @dch any news? Can you reproduce the error? Do you need some another info from me? It’s critica error to use powerbi
Thanks for following up. We are working on it!
Unable to reproduce on Dremio Community 22.0.0. When getting data in PowerBI, are you using the built in Dremio Connector or are you selecting ODBC?
Hello. I’m using Default dremio connector built-in in Powerbi
For clarify I’m using Dremio community 22.0.0 in a RHEL 8 with java 8 and Powerbi desktop
Can I provide you credentials to my dremio instance? so you can test ?
Hello @RavB @dch @balaji.ramaswamy I’ve up a dremio in my server so you can test and reproduce error
user: dremiobug
pass: dremiobug#1
Please try load as direct query the dremiobug
VDS created
@dacopan Looks like the back tick is the issue, at least from the first profile uploaded, this problem used to happen when firing queries from MSTR. Can escape the backtick using the method in the MSTR documentation?
Hello I can’t understand your suggestion I’m not using MSTR I’m using Powerbi with defaul dremio conector
We have been able to reproduce the issue and a ticket to fix the issue has been created.