Pulling Tableau Reports from MongoDB Community using Dremio

We are trying to pull Tableau Reports from MongoDB Community using Dremio and we are getting the following error:

[Dremio][Connector] (1040) Dremio failed to execute the query: SELECT “activationIncrementalRates”.“measures” AS “measures” FROM “metriccenterdbprod.metrics-center-db”.“activationIncrementalRates” “activationIncrementalRates” GROUP BY “activationIncrementalRates”.“measures” [30038]Query execution error. Details:[ SYSTEM ERROR: UnsupportedOperationException: Map, List and Union should not be used in group by, order by or in a compa…[see log]

SELECT “activationIncrementalRates”.“measures” AS “measures” FROM “metriccenterdbprod.metrics-center-db”.“activationIncrementalRates” “activationIncrementalRates” GROUP BY “activationIncrementalRates”.“measures”


As the error message says, it looks like the column you are using in the GROUP BY clause “measures” is a List, Map or Union type

Can you please send us the profile from the failed job?

