Rest API to disable /enable Reflections

Is there any rest api end point to enable/disable reflections.

Yes, you can do that. See here:

The common pattern is to disable automatic reflection maintenance and to control that externally, especially when using External Reflections.

Let us know if you need more info in this area.

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Thanks Kelly,
Could you please share a curl example for the same ( enable /disable reflection )

First thing to do is login to get the authorization token:

curl --request POST \
  --url http://localhost:9047/apiv2/login \
  --header 'authorization : _dremio6ro5jfgsbue98eeh0vmn9utnoa' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --data '{
  "userName": "username",
  "password": "password"

That will return a JSON object that contains a token value.

Next you have to get the id for the reflection - you can list all reflections using:

curl --request GET \
  --url http://localhost:9047/api/v3/reflection \
  --header 'authorization : _dremio${authorization}' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json'

This gives you a list of all reflections:

	"data": [
			"id": "e7f924ca-0014-4288-85d9-d698c4e342a1",
			"type": "AGGREGATION",
			"name": "Aggregation Reflection",
			"tag": "5",
			"datasetId": "77d43461-bf46-47c0-9d04-d8b82b6794e5",
			"enabled": true,
			"partitionDistributionStrategy": "CONSOLIDATED",
			"entityType": "reflection"

The enabled field controls the enabling/disabling of a reflection. To update the reflection, you would PUT the reflection like this (in this case we disable the reflection):

curl --request PUT \
  --url http://localhost:9047/api/v3/reflection \
  --header 'authorization : _dremio6ro5jfgsbue98eeh0vmn9utnoa' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --data '{
	"data": [
			"id": "e7f924ca-0014-4288-85d9-d698c4e342a1",
			"type": "AGGREGATION",
			"name": "Aggregation Reflection",
			"tag": "5",
			"datasetId": "77d43461-bf46-47c0-9d04-d8b82b6794e5",
			"enabled": false,
			"measureFields": [
					"name": "PdId",
					"measureTypeList": [
					"name": "Descript",
					"measureTypeList": [
			"partitionDistributionStrategy": "CONSOLIDATED",
			"entityType": "reflection"

Thanks a lot Doron
minor changes in your last curl
Post -> replace by PUT
Url -> should contain reflection id ( id should not be part of body data)

curl --request PUT
–url http://localhost:9047/api/v3/reflection/61db937a-26c6-4024-b577-ab82ae80427a
–header ‘authorization : _dremioxxx0ic1jnc0iju719blhia8’
–header ‘content-type: application/json’
–data ‘{
“type”: “RAW”,
“name”: “Raw Reflection”,
“tag”: “0”,
“datasetId”: “f8c064c0-e9cc-4715-ad3e-485d85b8e5d7”,
“enabled”: false,
“displayFields”: [
“name”: “111”
“name”: “DateTime_SK”
“name”: “Stores_SK”
“partitionDistributionStrategy”: “CONSOLIDATED”,
“entityType”: “reflection”

@doron using your code above returns an error when I try it. The first authorization call, I tried it both ways with the authorization header and without it and it returns the same error.

curl --request PUT \
  --url http://localhost:9047/apiv2/login \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --data '{
  "userName": "user",
  "password": "pswd"

This returns
{“errorMessage”:“Something went wrong”,“moreInfo”:“HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed”}


I mistakenly made the login a PUT, it should be a POST. I fixed up the post, sorry about that!

1 Like

@doron Could you tell me how to create the Reflection/Dataset using Rest api, without Dataset (Physical dataset) creation using Rest Api .How we can create the Reflection?

Hi @doron,
Even with your curl API call,
I’m facing this problem when I try to request reflections list on my dremio server.

Why is that? I followed this simple procedure:

  curl --request GET \
–url http://${SERVER}:9047/api/v3/reflection \
–header ‘authorization : _dremio$tokenID’ \
–header ‘content-type: application/json’ \
–header ‘Accept: /’ \
–header ‘Connection: keep-alive’

but I’m getting:

{“errorMessage”:“Something went wrong”,“moreInfo”:“HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed”}

I’m stucked =(

Thank you in advance


OK, I got it. That Endpoint is available only in Enterprise Edition. =(

Listing all reflections is enterprise edition only, creating reflections APIs are available in all editions.

Exactly, reading deeper the documentation always helps. =)
Just one more thing… refreshing a RAW reflection, as I see in the docs, could be possible with this endpoint:
PUT /api/v3/reflection/{id}
but what I need to add as data parameter?
Could you provide an example with curl?

I already tried providing in --data parameter the output of GET /api/v3/reflection/{id}

Thank you in advance.

data parameter should be a reflection model -
Was there a particular error you received when you passed it value of /api/v3/reflection/{id} ?

This is the output with GET method:

“id”: “74d74055-650c-490b-9acf-6bfefedc93e8”,
“type”: “RAW”,
“name”: “Raw Reflection”,
“tag”: “7”,
“createdAt”: “2018-12-06T14:14:22.365Z”,
“updatedAt”: “2018-12-06T14:14:22.365Z”,
“datasetId”: “aa60ac10-233e-4b2a-9f06-a6f94c01b840”,
“currentSizeBytes”: 2455147228,
“totalSizeBytes”: 2455147228,
“enabled”: true,
“status”: {
“config”: “OK”,
“refresh”: “SCHEDULED”,
“availability”: “AVAILABLE”,
“failureCount”: 1,
“lastDataFetch”: “2018-12-10T10:44:30.872Z”,
“expiresAt”: “2018-12-11T10:44:30.872Z”
“displayFields”: [
“name”: “dataIn”
“name”: “dataOut”
“name”: “ClasseIn”
“name”: “ClasseOut”
“name”: “DescrizioneIn”
“name”: “DescrizioneOut”
“name”: “latitudineIn”
“name”: “longitudineIn”
“name”: “latitudineOut”
“name”: “longitudineOut”
“partitionFields”: [
“name”: “dataIn”
“partitionDistributionStrategy”: “CONSOLIDATED”,
“entityType”: “reflection”

And this the output with PUT method … but I don’t know what to add to achieve an Update of reflection…

curl --request PUT --url ‘http://localhost:9047/api/v3/reflection/74d74055-650c-490b-9acf-6bfefedc93e8’ --header ‘authorization : _dremio1jv6rf43j8tmrr7f5g7e2aq5hq’ | jq .
“errorMessage”: “Something went wrong”

Any suggestions?

For the PUT you should send the entire message you have from the GET - just change enabled to false. Then do the same thing and switch enabled back to true.

Or I miss something or it doesn’t work…
I tried:
curl --silent --request PUT --url ‘http://localhost:9047/api/v3/reflection/74d74055-650c-490b-9acf-6bfefedc93e8’ --header ‘authorization : _dremio1jv6rf43j8tmrr7f5g7e2aq5hq’ --data ‘{“id”:“74d74055-650c-490b-9acf-6bfefedc93e8”,“type”:“RAW”,“name”:“Raw Reflection”,“tag”:“7”,“createdAt”:“2018-12-06T14:14:22.365Z”,“updatedAt”:“2018-12-06T14:14:22.365Z”,“datasetId”:“aa60ac10-233e-4b2a-9f06-a6f94c01b840”,“currentSizeBytes”:2474656982,“totalSizeBytes”:4929804210,“enabled”:false,“status”:{“config”:“OK”,“refresh”:“SCHEDULED”,“availability”:“AVAILABLE”,“combinedStatus”:“CAN_ACCELERATE”,“failureCount”:0,“lastDataFetch”:“2018-12-10T16:44:30.963Z”,“expiresAt”:“2018-12-11T16:44:30.963Z”},“displayFields”:[{“name”:“dataIn”},{“name”:“dataOut”},{“name”:“ClasseIn”},{“name”:“ClasseOut”},{“name”:“DescrizioneIn”},{“name”:“DescrizioneOut”},{“name”:“latitudineIn”},{“name”:“longitudineIn”},{“name”:“latitudineOut”},{“name”:“longitudineOut”}],“partitionFields”:[{“name”:“dataIn”}],“partitionDistributionStrategy”:“CONSOLIDATED”,“entityType”:“reflection”}’ | jq .
“errorMessage”: “Something went wrong”,
“moreInfo”: “HTTP 415 Unsupported Media Type”

You probably need to set the content type header:

--header 'content-type: application/json'

to JSON, curl I believe defaults to plain text.

Thank you very much. It worked fine. =)