I successfully imported one Excel-file but cannot run “SELECT count(*)” on it.
I am getting the following error :
SCHEMA_CHANGE ERROR: New schema found and recorded. Please reattempt the query. Multiple attempts may be necessary to fully learn the schema.
In job profile I see that Dremio found to schemas with the only differens in field
schema element “_dremio_update$::int64”.
Original Schema schema(Auftraggeber::varchar, … Bestelldat::timestamp, _dremio_update$::int64)
New Schema schema(Auftraggeber::varchar, Bestelldat::timestamp)
I cannot figure out where comes this “_dremio_update$” field in the schema from
and how to fix the problem).
I added this file over import button and therefor cannot remove format.
I reduced the file to only one datarow and the error persists.
This file I can share:
Hi, I added onedrive link to th excel file and profile,
but my antwort was hidden. I didn’t find in the tutorial how I could share
these files in the chat. Can you give me instructions?