Something went wrong, error code 404. Please provide the correct host and credentials. for Elasticsearch External Source


Elasticsearch version: 8.2
Dremio version: 21.0

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@Jduarte1081 From an elasticsearch client on the coordinator are you able to connect to the elasticsearch server using the same hostname and credentials? Also Dremio currently support up to elasricsearch 7.x

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@balaji.ramaswamy thanks for the answer.

I can yes, connector using host or ip and the same credentials, which are superusers. So no version of Dremio supports Elasticsearch 8.x?

Hi all. I am having the same issue with elasticsearch 8.2.2. Is it possible that Dremio is not compatible with this version?

@julenbadiola It could be as Dremio currently only supports until 7.x

Can you try to connect a 7.x ES and see?

In the 7.x version works, but, we had to uptade our elasticsearch version due to a vulnerability and since then, we have not able to connect to dremio.


Dremio currently supports only till ES 7.x

Elastic Search 8.0 has been released more than a year ago.

Is this a feature Dremie is currently working on or should we look for another solution?


Current road map is by the end of this year

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@balaji.ramaswamy any news?