SQL server db roles to pull data sets?

I am using the community version. I got my MS Sql server connected with the SA login, but this won’t be possible on a regular basis. I have another SQL login that is locked down in comparison to the SA login. I am getting no data, it creates the source but the data sets in the source are all 0. What Roles should the account be set up with? I am currently DBO.

Hi @rob_alford,

For a given catalog you need to have Select permissions on it. A role that has this is the public role.

I am admin on the sql server. I can pull the data in SSMS.


In my opinion, you should never connect any dremio source with an administration user. Major security design. At our site all dremio sources connect using read only users.

right I agree.my point was that I have read access…so not being able to connect doesn’t have anything to do with my rights. It’s something else.

Follow the below steps

  1. Go to Login properties of the MS SQL user account
  2. Make sure the user is mapped to the database you want to read from
  3. Add db_datareader role to the user account