"Stuck" jobs in jobs list

Some time ago we noticed that there are a few “stuck” jobs in our jobs list. (see image below)
At the time of noticing this issue we were running version 20.0.0-202201050826310141-8cc7162b now we are on version 20.1.0-202202061055110045-36733c65 and we still see this issue.

The failed jobs open up just as expected, after these “stuck” jobs have appeared we have tried running: dremio-admin clean --delete-orphans --max-job-days 7 --reindex-data --delete-orphan-profiles --compact without success.

Does anyone know how we can get rid of these jobs from our job list?

We are back a few versions from you, but when we found stuck jobs in our logs like the ones you describe, we had to stop and restart the Dremio service.

Unfortunately that doesn’t help :frowning:

@GoldenGoose When you say stuck jobs, are you referring to job in enqueued state?

Look at image above, I have excluded “Failed” from the dropdown, but they still show in the list.


Try this

  • Backup Dremio
  • Shutdown Dremio
  • On the coordinator cd bin
  • ./dremio-admin clean -i
  • Restart Dremio

Do you still see the issue?

@balaji.ramaswamy I’ve already tried dremio-admin clean --delete-orphans --max-job-days 7 --reindex-data --delete-orphan-profiles --compact (on master) without success :frowning_face:

Was there a conclusion to this as to how to cleanup old jobs?

@Muneer There have been a few bug fixes on this in the last 3 years. What is your exact issue? Job status filtering showing incorrect job types?

I have set the Jobs purge window to be 30 days. But it still has jobs from 7 months back. Is it the dremio-admin clean that actually clears the jobs down and therefore the size of the backup file?

I am on v25 dremio community edition.

@Muneer Can you bring down the coordinator run dremio-admin clean -i , restart Dremio, does that fix it? I know it did not help @GoldenGoose but that was 3 years before and there have been several fixes after that