Dremio asks for specific YARN ResourceManager HA hostname.
All our clusters have HA setup for YARN RMS.
Is there is a way to add support for YARN RM?
Best case if we would have just to point to /etc/yarn/conf that has all the client configs
generated by Cloduera Manager that point to / describe all available YARN RMs.
Same applies to HDFS NameNode - see screenshot below.
It would be hard for us to productionize Dremio as every time a YARN RM or HDFS NN
fails over/ switches over, we would need to update Dremio configs manually in several places.
We are still working on handling HA for RM, for NN you should be able to use the “HA-enabled logical URI” from the hdfs-site.xml
fs.defaultFS - the default path prefix used by the Hadoop FS client when none is given
Optionally, you may now configure the default path for Hadoop clients to use the new HA-enabled logical URI. If you used “mycluster” as the nameservice ID earlier, this will be the value of the authority portion of all of your HDFS paths.
Btw, working with Anthony from Dremio we found that adding yarn.resourcemanager.cluster-id from yarn-site.xml instead of yarn rm hostname makes Dremio aware of YARN RM HA setup.