Someone can make an article teaching how to install dremio with hadoop, i’m facing seriously troubles. I’ve already the yarn cluster
But now i’m stucked, i read once and twice the tutorial in dremio, and i cant understand the requisites. someone please can make a tutorial teaching deploy dremio in google gloud with hadoop yarn?
@jonathanbisp Do you want your executors to run on Google cloud or Hadoop using Yarn? or do you want Dremio to access data on Hadoop (HDFS) but run compute on Google cloud?
Well, i’ve some machines allocated in google cloud (VM’s), and i’m join them with hadoop. So, I wanna deploy dremio on this setup. Moreover, I wanna set the master machine as the cordinator, and the slaves as the executors… I read Dremio but i’m stucked since beginning. It’s my first time with hadoop, yarn, and dremio setup.
Thanks for help
@jonathanbisp Do you also have machined on Hadoop or only the data you are interested in reading is on HDFS?
@balaji.ramaswamy the data is on microsoft file system, and google file system. I’m using hadoop just because I need deploy dremio in Google Cloud, with least 3 executors. And it looks an good solution. Using hadoop to deploy dremio.
@jonathanbisp If there is no data in Hadoop then you can create executors via AKS or GCE