Unable to connect to Dremio from Superset

am running superset and Dremio [ image: dremio/dremio-oss:4.9] on docker containers…
Have installed all dependencies and drivers on superset docker
RUN pip install pyodbc
RUN pip install sqlalchemy_dremio

Dremio is having
“ExposedPorts”: {
“31010/tcp”: {},
“45678/tcp”: {},
“9047/tcp”: {}

However, not able to connect to dremio using

Its says able to connect to this localhost… but port is closed.

But able to able to connect over JDBC

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt; plt.rcdefaults()
import pyodbc
import pandas
host = ‘localhost’
port = 31010
uid = ‘jgeorgek’
pwd = ‘Passw0rd’
driver = “/Library/Dremio/ODBC/lib/libdrillodbc_sbu.dylib”
sql = ‘’‘SELECT * FROM Vehicle_curatedData’’’
data = pandas.read_sql(sql,cnxn)

I do not see any error on the docker logs on superset as well. How to debug ? please advice thanks


Have you checked the Dremio logs? In case of Docker, it should go to stdout

hi Balaji,

thanks for the response.

i changed to use host name and please. note now flight is fine - dremio+flight://xx:xx@dremio:32010/dremio …however dremio://xxx:XXXXXXXXXX@localhost:31010/dremio is still issue

now from the UI below is the error
ERROR: Connection failed, please check your connection settings

From superset docker logs

2021-04-05 00:27:52,036 [UserServer-1] INFO c.d.sabot.rpc.user.UserRPCServer - [USER]: Channel closed / <–> / (user client)
2021-04-05 00:27:52,036 [UserServer-1] WARN c.d.e.s.o.SessionOptionManagerFactoryImpl - Could not find session with sessionId d84b6cc6-cca0-456e-8290-5431c5cf4daa.
2021-04-05 00:27:52,036 [UserServer-1] INFO com.dremio.ConnectionLog - [d84b6cc6-cca0-456e-8290-5431c5cf4daa] Connection Closed

from dremio
2021-04-05 00:29:09,130 [UserServer-1] INFO c.d.sabot.rpc.user.UserRPCServer - [USER]: Channel closed / <--> / (user client)

2021-04-05 00:29:09,131 [UserServer-1] WARN c.d.e.s.o.SessionOptionManagerFactoryImpl - Could not find session with sessionId 4d189d0e-825c-43e9-8c93-fb26a0da349b.

2021-04-05 00:29:09,132 [UserServer-1] INFO com.dremio.ConnectionLog - [4d189d0e-825c-43e9-8c93-fb26a0da349b] Connection Closed - - [05/Apr/2021:00:29:18 +0000] "GET /apiv2/socket HTTP/1.1" 403 0 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.1.3 Safari/605.1.15"


Instead of Superset, if you try a different ODBC tool, does it work?

Yes with pyodbc, its fine …able to connect …[quote=“jeffpower, post:1, topic:7235”]
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt; plt.rcdefaults()
import pyodbc
import pandas
host = ‘localhost’
port = 31010
uid = ‘xx’
pwd = ‘xxxx’
driver = “/Library/Dremio/ODBC/lib/libdrillodbc_sbu.dylib”
sql = ‘’‘SELECT * FROM Vehicle_curatedData’’’
data = pandas.read_sql(sql,cnxn)

@jeffpower Would this Tutorial help?

Thanks Balaji for the response. Would like to know : what is the recommended approach for the connectivity? Flght is better than ODBC right? and we do not need both.right?


If flight is possible over JDBC, use flight