I increased the heap size as well to 32 gb but still the same performance… I did a reboot
Just how big is your executor? I think you shouldn’t set heap memory size more than half of your machine capacity. In most case 8GiB is more than sufficient and you can allocate the rest to direct memory (save some for system e.g about 5% cap).
@chafidz my machine capacity is 72 gbs.
I dont know how to resolve this issue. Is this a bug in the latest version.Any idea why the cpu and mmeory utilization of the master node is zero all the time.
@doron any other suggestion to improve it or shall i go back and downgrade the dremio.
You can try the older version and see if it works better, but we haven’t seen any other reports of this behavior. Note that Dremio can’t downgrade itself unless you made a backup.
Well, then i guess i will look for alternative as i cant use the older version because of the split limit.