Waiting until being elected as master node

I build the dremio as the master, but it still wait as “being elected” as master.

2018-06-08 11:03:42,608 [main] INFO c.d.s.fabric.FabricServiceImpl - fabric service has 104857600 bytes reserved
5317 2018-06-08 11:03:42,616 [main] INFO c.dremio.dac.daemon.DACDaemonModule - Internal user/group service is configured.
5318 2018-06-08 11:03:42,972 [main] DEBUG c.d.s.coordinator.zk.ZKClusterClient - Connect: host1:5181,host2:5181,host3:5181, zkRoot: , clusterId: dremio2
5319 2018-06-08 11:03:43,062 [main] INFO c.d.s.coordinator.zk.ZKClusterClient - Starting ZKClusterClient
5320 2018-06-08 11:03:43,077 [Curator-ConnectionStateManager-0] INFO c.d.s.coordinator.zk.ZKClusterClient - ZK connection state changed to CONNECTED
2018-06-08 11:03:43,126 [main] DEBUG c.d.s.c.zk.ZKClusterCoordinator - Active nodes set changed. Now includes 0 total nodes. New active nodes:
5323 2018-06-08 11:03:43,128 [main] DEBUG c.d.s.c.zk.ZKClusterCoordinator - Active nodes set changed. Now includes 0 total nodes. New active nodes:
5325 2018-06-08 11:03:43,133 [main] DEBUG c.d.s.c.zk.ZKClusterCoordinator - Active nodes set changed. Now includes 0 total nodes. New active nodes:
5327 2018-06-08 11:03:43,133 [main] INFO c.d.s.c.zk.ZKClusterCoordinator - ZKClusterCoordination is up
5328 2018-06-08 11:03:43,133 [main] INFO c.d.d.s.exec.MasterElectionService - Starting MasterElectionService
5329 2018-06-08 11:03:48,138 [main] INFO c.d.d.s.exec.MasterElectionService - Waiting until being elected as master node

  1. Is services.coordinator.master.enabled: true ?
  2. Per your other post in your other thread, it seems like the issue has been fixed? I see clusterId: dremio2 in your log now
  3. Waiting until being elected as master node = some other master node is running Dremio and also pointing to the same ZK path (dremio2)

yes, the services.coordinator.master.enabled is true.
I have checked the log of zookeeper, there is dremio2 node in the zookeeper, but there is 0 master and 0 coordinater and 0 executor node below the dremio2.