after I manged to connect to Dremio via R I came to the conclusion that i dislike the RODBC
packe and read here and there (https:/ /cojamalo.github.io/macOS_Dremio_R/guide.html) to get it working with the odbc
package, which is nicer.
So fa so good, i managed to read (select * from . . .
) and write (INSERT INTO . . . VALUES (21);
), but i cant write my own data.frame in a prepared statement.
Here is an MWE with changed DB name:
dremio_host <- "<Host>"
dremio_port <- "32010"
dremio_uid <- "<User>"
dremio_pwd <- "<Password>"
data <- data.frame(
a = "AA",
b = as.Date("01.02.2020", format = "%d.%m.%Y"),
c = 500.1,
db.connection <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(),
driver = "Arrow Flight SQL ODBC Driver",
uid = dremio_uid,
pwd = dremio_pwd,
host = dremio_host,
port = dremio_port,
AuthenticationType = "Basic Authentication",
ConnectionType = "Direct"
# CREATE TABLE "name" (
# a varchar(20),
# b DATE,
# );
db.query <- 'INSERT INTO "name"
(a, b, c, d) VALUES
(?, TO_DATE(?, \'YYYY-MM-DD\'), ?);'
result <- odbc::dbGetQuery(
conn = db.connection,
statement = db.query,
params = data
result <- odbc::dbDisconnect(conn = db.connection)
which leads to an Error:
Error: nanodbc/nanodbc.cpp:1509: HY000: [Apache Arrow][Dremio Server] (100) Flight returned invalid argument error, with message: Illegal use of dynamic parameter
Can you provide an example as to how i can write my R data.frame via the odbc
-package in Dremio?