I’m experimenting with 3.1 in local, single-node on CentOS 7.6. I can install 3.1, start it, and use Dremio happily. But when I restart my machine, Dremio no longer works without intervention. It appears that permissions are being reset on /var/run/dremio
[user1@localhost ~]$ sudo yum localinstall dremio-community-3.1.0-201901172111160703_dc6f6e5_1.noarch.rpm
# permissions are good
[user1@localhost ~]$ ls -ltrh /var/run/
drwxr-xr-x. 2 dremio dremio 40 Jan 17 16:24 dremio
[user1@localhost ~]$ sudo service dremio start
starting dremio, logging to /var/log/dremio/server.out
# permissions are good
[user1@localhost ~]$ ls -ltrh /var/run/
drwxr-xr-x. 2 dremio dremio 40 Jan 17 16:24 dremio
# open Dremio in browser, everything is good
[user1@localhost ~]$ reboot
# permissions are changed and Dremio doesn't work
[user1@localhost ~]$ ls -ltrh /var/run/
drw-r--r--. 2 dremio dremio 40 Jan 29 10:31 dremio
[user1@localhost ~]$ sudo service dremio start
starting dremio, logging to /var/log/dremio/server.out
[user1@localhost ~]$ tail /var/log/dremio/server.out
POSIX message queues (bytes, -q) 819200
real-time priority (-r) 0
stack size (kbytes, -s) 8192
cpu time (seconds, -t) unlimited
max user processes (-u) 4096
virtual memory (kbytes, -v) unlimited
file locks (-x) unlimited
/opt/dremio/bin/dremio: line 117: /var/run/dremio/dremio.pid: Permission denied
/var/run/dremio not found or dremio does not have access to it.
Please create /var/run/dremio and/or give the user dremio ownership to the directory.
# now I fix, and we are happy
[user1@localhost ~]$ sudo chmod u+x /var/run/dremio/
[user1@localhost ~]$ ls -ltrh /var/run/
drwxr--r--. 2 dremio dremio 40 Jan 29 10:31 dremio
[user1@localhost ~]$ sudo service dremio start
# can use Dremio normally again
# but, when I reboot, need to reset permissions all over again
When I install 3.0.6 and then reboot, Dremio keeps working. I tried 2-3 different 3.1 installs and all had this problem.