Can not start Dremio 3.0

When I set start Dremio, the log says:
Library jnidispatch (as libjncd not found under [tmp/932456312267202321/]
Error while trying to run com.dremio.dac.daemon.YarnDaemon
java.lang.Throwable: The source ["__support"] is currently unavailable. Info: [[Message{level=ERROR, msg=Unavailable: /tmp/dremio-support: null file list}]].

Hi @chenlini12345

Can you please check if there is a folder called dremio-support under /tmp? if yes, can you please make sure the permissions are set right so Dremio can write into that folder. Also, is this a single node install? or do you have executors on separate nodes? If yes then please check for /tmp/dremio-support folder on the executors and the right permissions


Hi, i don’t have the permission of /tmp/dremio-support. Is there any configuration I can set up in dremio to change the dir “/tmp/dremio-support” ?

Hi @chenlini12345

Try setting in dremio-env


It’s not work. Still have those error

Hi @chenlini12345

Can you please share the line you set in dremio-env?
