I have an AWS instance with a currently opened project.
I want to be able to clone the instance+project to another test environment.
I have tried to follow the instructions in Dremio
which asks me to create a custom project on a new dremio AWS instance and then try to run the restore.
because we use encrypted s3 for the volumes, I have to try to create a custom project as per the instructions at Dremio
I run the following curl stmt on the aws dremio host:
curl -v -X POST -H “Content-Type:application/json” --data @a.json http://localhost:9047/aws/gateway/customProject
content of a.json is below:
“name”: “CA1”,
“id”: “facb3c66-xxxxxxx”,
“engineSize”: “SMALL”,
“customNodeCount”: 0,
“enableAutoBackups”: false,
“engineNodeType”: “STANDARD”,
“iamInstanceProfile”: “”,
“instanceId”: “i-05e1cf6be63149ex1”,
“disablePublicIp”: true,
“ebsVolumeId”: “vol-908e4178325e0e24b”,
“efsVolumeName”: “fs-9503897a252be16ce”,
“s3BucketName”: “dremio-me-xxxxx…”
The project name, ebs and efs Volume (some literals changed) and s3 bucket all have been created with the required tags. However, I keep getting this error, although this instance does not have an active project created. The existing active project is running on another Dremio instance.
2023-03-06 14:46:25,822 [aws-project-action-pool1] INFO com.dremio.dac.server.AwsUtil - Executing command, bash -c sudo chown -R 2000:2000 /etc/dremio/dremio.conf
2023-03-06 14:46:25,846 [aws-project-action-pool1] INFO com.dremio.dac.server.AwsUtil - Executing command, bash -c sudo cp /etc/dremio/dremio.conf /etc/dremio/dremio.conf.back
2023-03-06 14:46:26,003 [aws-project-action-pool1] INFO c.dremio.dac.server.AwsConfigurator - createCustomProject attachedVolumes size 1
2023-03-06 14:46:26,003 [aws-project-action-pool1] WARN c.dremio.dac.server.AwsConfigurator - Cannot create a new project since there is a project already running on this instance.
2023-03-06 14:46:26,004 [aws-project-action-pool1] INFO com.dremio.dac.server.AwsUtil - Executing command, bash -c sudo cp /etc/dremio/dremio.conf.back /etc/dremio/dremio.conf
2023-03-06 14:46:26,020 [aws-project-action-pool1] INFO c.d.dac.resource.AwsSetupResource - Failed to create acustom project
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Cannot create a new project since there is a project already running on this instance.
** at com.dremio.dac.server.AwsConfigurator.createCustomProject(AwsConfigurator.java:555)**
at com.dremio.dac.resource.AwsSetupResource.lambda$createCustomProject$3(AwsSetupResource.java:266)
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:511)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1149)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:624)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:750)
Any ideas why the second custom project on a separate instance does not get allowed to be created?