Concurrent modification Exception: tried to update version 2, found previous version 3

Running a query I’m getting the following error:

ConcurrentModificationException: tried to update version 2, found previous version 3 (48.1 KB)

Hi @jhaynie

Did this start happening after an upgrade? Are you trying to query of a VDS?


No upgrade. Using latest. This is a VDS query. It seems intermittent.

Hi @jhaynie

Try to Edit the VDS, press space at the end of the SQL. Then Save. Retry the VDS


I’ve add a space at the end of the query in our driver so all queries (including VDS creation) will have it. Will monitor it since it doesn’t happen on each time.

@jhaynie Has the issue been fixed? Encountering similar error intermittently and wondering if you were able to resolve it with the “space at the end of the SQL” suggestion

@KrishnaPG Starting from Dremio 21.x, there is VDS ownership feature, you no longer have to edit and save, instead grant ownership to a user or role