Does the latest version of the Arrow Flight ODBC SQL driver support queries with interval data types in Dremio?

Hi everyone,

I am currently using the Arrow Flight ODBC SQL driver version with Dremio to connect to my database. However, I’m having trouble executing queries that contain interval data types.

(‘ODBC SQL type 103 is not yet supported. column-index=0 type=103’, ‘HY106’)

This is the error I’m getting while executing a query having Interval Datatype in Dremio.

I’m wondering if the latest version of the Arrow Flight ODBC SQL driver supports interval data types in Dremio. Has anyone tried this before or know if it’s possible?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Can you provide examples of these queries? Do they execute in the web UI?

Yes they do execute in the Web UI.

Any simple query with interval function is failing.

For example : SELECT INTERVAL ‘5’ HOUR


Can you please run the query from both UI and Flight and send us the profiles?

The above is the profile of the Flight run.

The below is the profile of the UI run.

I hope this helps.

Turns out, it wasn’t actually a Flight issue but rather a limitation with the Python dataframe. Unfortunately, the dataframe doesn’t support the interval datatype, which caused the whole mess. Casting the interval as varchar fixes the problem.

I want to apologize for any confusion or trouble this may have caused. Thanks a bunch for your help, and I truly appreciate your understanding.

Thank you.

@Maziha No worries, glad the issue is resolved

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