Dremio-admin backup wants loose directory permissions

Version: Roughly 4.0.0

The dremio-admin tool seems to want very open permissions to the backupdir. If the backup command is run as the user ‘dremio’ into a directory owned by ‘dremio’ it seems like permissions should not need to be open to group and other. For example, in this case, the backupdir is:

drwx------   3 dremio dremio   89 Nov 21 15:56 metadatabase-backup

But this is rejected because the directory is not accessible/writable.

[dremio@foo01 metadatabase-backup]$ /opt/dremio/dremio-current/bin/dremio-admin backup --backupdir /dremio-backup/metadatabase-backup/ --user bobthebuilder
Failed to create backup at /dremio-backup/metadatabase-backup/:
java.io.IOException: Status 400 (Bad Request): Something went wrong (more info: Path file:/dremio-backup/metadatabase-backup is not accessible/writeable.)

[dremio@foo01 metadatabase-backup]$ ls -al /dremio-backup/
total 4
drwx------   4 dremio dremio   66 Nov 21 15:19 .
dr-xr-xr-x. 31 root   root   4096 Nov 21 15:09 ..
drwx------   3 dremio dremio   89 Nov 21 15:56 metadatabase-backup

[dremio@foo01 metadatabase-backup]$ chmod ugo+rwx /dremio-backup/metadatabase-backup/
[dremio@foo01 metadatabase-backup]$ /opt/dremio/dremio-current/bin/dremio-admin backup --backupdir /dremio-backup/metadatabase-backup/ --user bobthebuilder
Backup created at /dremio-backup/metadatabase-backup/dremio_backup_2019-11-26_14.31, dremio tables 23, uploaded files 1

Is this an expected behavior or unexpected behavior?