I installed Dremio quite a while back and then removed it, and now I’m trying it again. I can start Dremio but it seems to assume I already have an admin user, but if I ever created one I can’t remember the password.
I tried using the dremio-admin command, but it just stalls
./dremio-admin -u george -p <PASS>
just runs with no output and never finishes unless I ctrl-c.
I also tried doing
cd ~/Library/Dremio/data/pdfs/uploads/_uploads
ls -ltrh
As recommended in another thread, but that produces no results.
I’m running on MacOS on a 2015 macbook pro.
Is it possible to completely wipe Dremio off my system and start from scratch? I don’t need to preserve any data…I just need to get access.
If you delete the metadata directory you will be able to perform a fresh installation. The location varies by OS, for example on macOS it is: ~/Library/Dremio
Thanks for the reply! I tried deleting that directory and now Dremio won’t start (I reinstalled from the .dmg). It just says “starting…” and then “not running”.
Thanks. I believe the issue is bad metadata. If Dremio failed or is interrupted during its initial startup, next start attempts will fail too. Can you confirm ~/Library/Dremio is completely empty?
I had previously moved the entire folder to a backup location and let Dremio recreate it. I just now tried rm -rf’ing all of the contents (with dremio closed) to make sure that folder is completely empty and then reopened Dremio. I got the same starting -> not running flow.