I have deployed dremio on my kubernetes cluster using helm chart from artifact hub and it is running behind apisix ingress controller. I use keycloak as an OIDC provider which was integrated with apisix. basically, I have a apisixpluginconfig kubernetes resource which contains the information related to keycloak client that is used for OIDC. In the dremio ingress, I pass this apisixpluginconfig name using annotations. When we access the dremio ingress, the keycloak sends some set of headers for authentication and authorization. because of these headers, I am getting below error. I have increased the header buffer size at apisix end and other tools are working fine in the same cluster. I face this issue only with dremio. is there any possibility to reduce the size of the header fields from dremio end that are generated by keycloak and passed to dremio server ?
Bad Message 431
reason: Request Header Fields Too Large