Error activating reflection: The source ["__accelerator"] is currently unavailable. Info: [Unknown protocol 42]

I have noticed that in some queries when I try to activate reflection in a query it shows the following error The source ["__accelerator"] is currently unavailable. Info: [Unknown protocol 42], can you help me? (11,7,KB)


I have got the same problem. Were you able to solve yours?

Thanks in advance

@enginbuker @edercarvalho

“Unknown protocol 42” usually means the executors are not fully up yet. Have you checked node activity screen to see if they are all online. Another place to check is to open the server.log via kubectl and search for the section “Result of storage plugin startup” and it should say “__accelerator: success (3636ms). Healthy”, in your case either the executor is not fully up or for some reason the accelerator plugin will say “__accelerator: success (3636ms). Unavailable”. There should also be a stack that tell us why it is “Unavailable”