Fetching data from a couple different Flight/FlightSQL endpoints at the same time


I would like to test one scenario where
I am getting data from various different endpoints using Flight SQL.

Here is example how to get data using FlightSql

FlightInfo flightInfo; // Use a FlightSqlClient method to get a FlightInfo

// 1. Fetch each partition sequentially (though this can be done in parallel)
for (FlightEndpoint endpoint : flightInfo.getEndpoints()) {

  // 2. Get a stream of results as Arrow vectors
  try (FlightStream stream = flightSqlClient.getStream(endpoint.getTicket())) {

    // 3. Iterate through the stream until the end
    while (stream.next()) {

      // 4. Get a chunk of results (VectorSchemaRoot) and print it to the console
      VectorSchemaRoot vectorSchemaRoot = stream.getRoot();

and I am talking specifically about this line:

// 1. Fetch each partition sequentially (though this can be done in parallel)
for (FlightEndpoint endpoint : flightInfo.getEndpoints()) {

I always get the same single endpoint and I would like to employ several partitions instead.
Could you please guide me what I should do in regards to cluster configuration and data source
to achieve getting many endpoints from flight info.

Thank you

The ability of have Dremio return multiple endpoints using Flight is not yet supported.