I would like to test one scenario where
I am getting data from various different endpoints using Flight SQL.
Here is example how to get data using FlightSql
FlightInfo flightInfo; // Use a FlightSqlClient method to get a FlightInfo
// 1. Fetch each partition sequentially (though this can be done in parallel)
for (FlightEndpoint endpoint : flightInfo.getEndpoints()) {
// 2. Get a stream of results as Arrow vectors
try (FlightStream stream = flightSqlClient.getStream(endpoint.getTicket())) {
// 3. Iterate through the stream until the end
while (stream.next()) {
// 4. Get a chunk of results (VectorSchemaRoot) and print it to the console
VectorSchemaRoot vectorSchemaRoot = stream.getRoot();
and I am talking specifically about this line:
// 1. Fetch each partition sequentially (though this can be done in parallel)
for (FlightEndpoint endpoint : flightInfo.getEndpoints()) {
I always get the same single endpoint and I would like to employ several partitions instead.
Could you please guide me what I should do in regards to cluster configuration and data source
to achieve getting many endpoints from flight info.
Thank you