I am trying to get list of PAT created for an user account. But getting the below error
ValueError: Failed to authenticate: Content-Type ‘application/json’ is not supported
Actually, we are trying to create PAT using API. why PAT has only 180 days, do we have the flexibility to extend the expiry?
To create, get PAT through REST https. do we need to set any parameters in setting?
#python snippet:
DREMIO_URL = ‘https://dremio-devxxxx-digital.net:443’
USERNAME = ‘xxxx’
PASSWORD = ‘xxxxxx’
API endpoint for authentication
auth_endpoint = f’{DREMIO_URL}/apiv2/login’
headers = {‘content-type’:‘application/json’}
Payload for authentication
auth_payload = {
“userName”: USERNAME,
“password”: PASSWORD
headers = {
response = requests.post(auth_endpoint, headers=headers, json=auth_payload, timeout=10)
auth_token = response.json().get(‘token’)
API endpoint to create a personal access token
pat_endpoint = f’{dremio_url}/apiv2/token’
Payload to create a personal access token
pat_payload = {
“label”: “My Personal Access Token” # You can set a label for your token
Headers for the request, including the authentication token
headers = {
‘Authorization’: f’_dremio{auth_token}',
‘Content-Type’: ‘application/json’
Create the personal access token
response = requests.post(pat_endpoint, headers=headers, json=pat_payload)