HDFS hadoop 3.2 on Dremio

i am getting error while previwing file in hdfs hosted on azure single node,i can see block exist in hadoop may i know the cause

Hi @Vikash_Singh

Are you able to read the file outside of Dremio. One thing you can try is to download the file to your local computer and try to read via parquet tools. Also can try to upload parquet file from local to Dremio and see behavior


Yes i can read same parquit file if i upload directly to dremio

Hi @Vikash_Singh

If you try to download the file via az download from the Dremio coordinator does it work?


yes it works,actual issue is like if i Launch Dremio on same vnet ,and i have used Private ip of namenode server with port i can able to previw file.But if i have used public Ip i am getting above exception any solution to connect using public ip name node server

I Cant not get it working HDFS 3 as shared storage in distributed architecture.


Do you want configure Dremio to write reflections to HDFS?, have you followed below doc?
