Incremental reflection update question

If I use a modified date as the “Identify new records using the field”, and a record from the underlying data source is deleted, will the incremental reflection update also remove the deleted record or will it only add records with a modified_date > the previous max(modified_date)- leaving deleted records in the reflection?

Hi @summersmd

Only append-only datasets are supported for Incremental Update Mode. Updates and deletions of underlying files leads to incorrect results. Dremio recommends using Full Refresh in this case.

Incremental Reflections


could you please give a link on how to use a modified date as the “Identify new records using the field”?i am not able to find “Identify new records using the field” in dataset settings -> reflection refresh. How do I make it appear? do I have to add a new column to the dataset/PDS as the modified date?



Just answered your question here
