JDBC connection issue


Can someone answer, after updating to dremio 4.1.4 our clients using an JDBC connector are failing.

I’ve downloaded the driver from the server (dremio/jars/jdbc-driver/dremio-jdbc-driver-4.1.4-202001240912140359-a90eb503.jar).
After connecting with JDBC in streamsets I get following error :

JDBC_06 - Failed to initialize connection pool: com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool$PoolInitializationException: Failed to initialize pool: Can’t turn off auto-committing; transactions are not supported. (Dremio is not transactional.)

Connection URL : jdbc:dremio:direct=server-address:31010


What are the SQL statements you are trying to run via JDBC?


The above same issue happened to me also. I was trying to execute a SELECT querry.
dremio-jdbc-driver-4.3.1-202005202256080999-5dcfb82a.jar this is the jar version


Kindly send us the profile for the failed job

Error is thrown before even hitting dremio server. I don’t see any job running for my querry.


Are you getting the below error?
Can’t turn off auto-committing; transactions are not supported. (Dremio is not transactional.)

What happens if you run the same query from the Dremio UI? If you get the same error, kindly send us the profile

@balaji.ramaswamy I’m getting the same error when running query through pentaho using JNDI connection.
While executing from dremio i’m not getting this error.


Can you please send us the profile when run via UI, also send us a screenshot of the error you get when querying via JDBC