Exception during pool initialization: Can't turn off auto-committing; transactions are not supported. (Dremio is not transactional.)

I’m running dremio in a container. When I try to connect with jdbc connection string:


I get the following error message:

Can’t turn off auto-committing; transactions are not supported. (Dremio is not transactional.)

What does that message mean?

Did you install the Dremio jdbc driver?

Download here: https://www.dremio.com/download/

Docs here: https://docs.dremio.com/drivers/dremio-jdbc-driver.html

I’m also facing same issue.

URL i used : jdbc:dremio:direct=ip address:31010;sourcename

What does this mean?
JDBC_00 - Cannot connect to specified database: com.streamsets.pipeline.api.StageException: JDBC_06 - Failed to initialize connection pool: com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool$PoolInitializationException: Failed to initialize pool: Can’t turn off auto-committing; transactions are not supported. (Dremio is not transactional.)

Whatever software/connection pool framework you’re using, it seems to disable autocommit, which is not supported by the JDBC driver (Dremio is not transactional).

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Same problem here. But the Dremio Driver should support setting this variable as false, right? And then it should validate if it is set correctly.

[EDIT] Related:

Driver disallows setting autocommit to false as a signal that transactions are not supported, and that the server should be considered as auto-committing each request it received. Note that the driver also reports not supporting transactions through the DatabaseMetaData interface.

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with the latest release KNIME Analytics Platform allows to disable transactions. For further details see the related KNIME post.