Kafka connector

Related to 2/3 years old questions:

You mentioned there that Kafka is on your roadmap, but it is still not documented as a supported data source.
Any news here? Target release date?



For building a Kafka connector, please take a look at the below link

Do you have any questions on reading logs, elastic search?


Well, what happened that it is no longer on your roadmap?
Why it stopped to be your priority? Any technical reasons?

Writing connector could be quite a complex task, could not be?
I mean reading from Kafka topic could be easy, but to add full support for reflections could be quite complex, right?


Currently we do not have plans for an inbuilt Kafka connector


I analyzed Vertica connector and now I see that it is not too complex.
Moreover I start considering an option to utilize ksqldb (JDBC driver available).
Is this out of your radar as well?


Currently it is not in the radar
