Strange errore with delete

hi i have a not undeerstundable problem with dremio, if i do this select is working

select * FROM “GCS_PLANNING-CONTROL”.“planning-control_p_tre_sessanta_nii_quality”.“0”.“gcs-storagearea-nii-aggregated-online”.“online_aggregated_cold-table”
WHERE reference_dt = to_date(‘2023-03-31’, ‘YYYY-MM-DD’)
or round(months_between( ‘2023-03-31’, reference_dt),0) > 13

but if i do the following delete

delete FROM “GCS_PLANNING-CONTROL”.“planning-control_p_tre_sessanta_nii_quality”.“0”.“gcs-storagearea-nii-aggregated-online”.“online_aggregated_cold-table”
WHERE reference_dt = to_date(‘2023-03-31’, ‘YYYY-MM-DD’)
or round(months_between( ‘2023-03-31’, reference_dt),0) > 13

it’s raising a strange and not talking error:
“Cannot create the table because ‘planning-control_p_tre_sessanta_nii_quality’ container does not exist.”

why it talks about creating a table when i am trying to delete the content? i was expecting a grat error not this one thank you

Hi @max01,

I noticed GCS in the name, so I believe it’s a GCS source. You hit a bug related to the GoogleStoragePlugin, DX-85821. We are working on it, hopefully a fix will be provided in one of the upcoming releases.

Thanks, Bogdan

hi i don’t understad why this problem is raised now and not later because is not the first time we delete from google cloud storage buckets.