on server.log:
nable to get table: java.lang.NullPointerException
at com.amazonaws.glue.catalog.metastore.GlueMetastoreClientDelegate.getTable(GlueMetastoreClientDelegate.java:435)
at com.amazonaws.glue.catalog.metastore.AWSCatalogMetastoreClient.getTable(AWSCatalogMetastoreClient.java:1023)
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor490.invoke(Unknown Source)
We have an iceberg Datalake stored on S3 and being written / read from Glue. I am exploring the possibility to read and more importantly write on the tables created with Glue through Dremio.
on the dremio GUI, I connected to the dataset through Glue Catalog (dremio is deployed on the same account as the glue context).
Then I clicked on the table I want to interact with in dremio. And I get the error mentioned above.
2023-09-01 14:23:56,834 [qtp449668621-1705] WARN c.d.e.store.hive.HiveStoragePlugin - Plugin 'titanic_s3', database 'titanic_iceberg', table 'funds', DatasetHandleempty, table not found.
2023-09-01 14:27:27,666 [scheduler-16] INFO c.d.e.w.p.ActiveQueryListService - Starting activeQueryListTask on this coordinator.
2023-09-01 14:27:27,667 [FABRIC-rpc-event-queue] INFO com.dremio.sabot.exec.MaestroProxy - There are no active queries on this executor. So nothing to reconcile.
2023-09-01 14:23:56,834 [qtp449668621-1705] INFO c.d.exec.store.hive.HiveClientImpl - Failure while trying to read table 'funds' from db 'titanic_iceberg'
org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.MetaException: Unable to get table: java.lang.NullPointerException
@anechi I see you are on 20.x which was one of the earlier versions to support Iceberg and by default is false. I see you have made it truem Are you able to upgrade to a higher version like 23 or 24 and retry the query. Even if it fails again but since the feature is on by default and code has changed, it is easier to troubleshoot