I am a newbie to dremio. I was trying to work with the rest api for sources.I was able to post,get the sources but i was unable to edit the source. Can you please tell me where am i going wrong?
I used the url for post :
My input was:
“name”: “sample source”,
“description”: “sample source”,
“type”: “MONGO”,
“hostList”: [{“hostname”: “”, “port”: “27017”}],
“authenticationType”: “ANONYMOUS”
My output was:
“_type”: “source”,
“config”: {
“hostList”: [
“hostname”: “”,
“port”: 27017
“useSsl”: false,
“authenticationType”: “ANONYMOUS”,
“authenticationTimeoutMillis”: 2000,
“secondaryReadsOnly”: false,
“subpartitionSize”: 0
“state”: {
“status”: “good”,
“messages”: [
“level”: “INFO”,
“message”: “MongoDB version 3.2.21.”
“id”: “bed30c08-ab6a-42a4-aee3-e038eab6b4ac”,
“tag”: “0”,
“type”: “MONGO”,
“name”: “sample source”,
“description”: “sample source”,
“createdAt”: “2018-09-07T07:24:19.243Z”,
“metadataPolicy”: {
“authTTLMs”: 86400000,
“namesRefreshMs”: 3600000,
“datasetRefreshAfterMs”: 3600000,
“datasetExpireAfterMs”: 10800000,
“datasetUpdateMode”: “PREFETCH_QUERIED”
“accelerationGracePeriodMs”: 0,
“accelerationRefreshPeriodMs”: 0,
“accelerationNeverExpire”: false,
“accelerationNeverRefresh”: false
Now, i want to edit the source:
I used the url : (PUT) (The id is the id created by dremio for the above source)
My header had content-type and authorization.
My body was:
“name”:“sample source”,
“description”:“sample source edited”, #i have edited the source description
Im getting the below error:
“errorMessage”: “Something went wrong”,
“moreInfo”: “Source id is immutable.”
I tried with catalog api also, i could not edit the sources. Can you please help me?
Your earliest reply will help me a lot.Thanks in advance