Deleted cloudformation stack, would like to start over


I created a sonar project through dremio cloud and didn’t pick the right settings for it the first time.

I’ve deleted my cloudformation stack and I was hoping to delete my organization so that I could start over and create a new cloudformation stack.

However I can’t seem to find a way to do this through the UI. Is there a settings page that I’m missing?


Hello, could you please share your Dremio Cloud Organization ID to me over DM? Thanks.

I couldn’t find the option to send you a DM unfortunately

But here’s my org id 22fa6b7d-751d-4a81-a32d-9e5fdf3d34ba. I don’t mind publishing it since there’s no data in it, and it is going to be deleted anyway

Thanks! I’ve reached out to you over DM for further details. Looking forward to your response.

Hi. I’m having the same problem. Can you send me a DM to help me deleting my project?

Hello, I’ve reached out to you via DM. Thanks.

Hi Gupta.

Didn’t receive your DM. I think it’s not enable for my user, so here is my org id: 8d64f0ae-5c94-47b4-88de-f0bd06bbe98a. I have just one project that I can’t delete because I accidentaly deleted most of the AWS resources. Can you help me with that?

Thanks for providing the Org ID.

Every organization must contain at least one project. If your organization contains only the project that you want to delete, then you cannot delete the project until another project is created in the organization.

Please refer to this documentation for more details - Dremio

Would you like me to delete your Dremio Cloud Org with ID 8d64f0ae-5c94-47b4-88de-f0bd06bbe98a ?

Hi. Yes, you can delete the org for now. I’m not really using it and I want to reduce my cloud costs. Thanks

Thanks for confirming! I’ll file an internal request to delete the Org and once it is deleted, will inform you.
Meanwhile, please feel free to delete the AWS cloud formation stack associated with it to avoid incurring cost. Hope it helps!
