Dremio volume folder backup

My Dremio run in the docker and store data (/opt/dremio) in volume.
Can I simple backup volume data with “cp -ar” on the running container and then create a new container and put data in the new volume?

I did that, but I got next error in the logs:

2020-08-16T19:13:45.453+0000: [GC (Allocation Failure) 2020-08-16T19:13:45.453+0000: [DefNew: 2176K->255K(2432K), 0.0014601 secs] 2176K->660K(7936K), 0.0019959 secs] [Times: user=0.01 sys=0.00, real=0.00 secs]
dremio_1 | 2020-08-16T19:13:45.549+0000: [GC (Allocation Failure) 2020-08-16T19:13:45.550+0000: [DefNew: 2431K->255K(2432K), 0.0013504 secs] 2836K->1017K(7936K), 0.0018172 secs] [Times: user=0.00 sys=0.00, real=0.00 secs]

2020-08-16 19:13:50,775 [main] ERROR ROOT - Dremio is exiting. Failure while starting services.
dremio_1 | com.dremio.datastore.DatastoreException: Process user (dremio) doesn’t match local catalog db owner (1000). Please run process as 1000.

Dremio is exiting. Failure while starting services.
dremio_1 | com.dremio.datastore.DatastoreException: Process user (dremio) doesn’t match local catalog db owner (1000). Please run process as 1000.


It would be better to copy the “db” folder when Dremio is down. But the error you see is unrelated as it clearly says that the unix user you are trying to use to start Dremio does not match with the unix user that owns the “db” folder
