Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: template: dremio/templates/dremio-master.yaml:22:39: executing "dremio/templates/dremio-master.yaml" at <tpl ($.Files.Glob "config/*").AsConfig $>: error calling tpl: error during tpl function execution for "core-site.xml: \"<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- If you are editing
any content in this file, please remove lines with double curly braces around them
OUTPUT OMITTED for brevity...
\"": parse error at (dremio/templates/dremio-master.yaml:3): unexpected "\\" in operand
Could this error be triggered from a config error?
I have also tried the helm install without -f ./values.yaml with n success…
@lenoyjacob, thank you for your response I’ll check for any typos as suggested and let you know…
I already tried running helm from ubuntu and the only modified file we have is values.yaml so don’t think this could be the issue, but certainly I’ll check that option too…
I am posting my strange resolution, which I had not time to analyse, but it worked. The errors are parsing errors and although I git cloned the repo locally on windows using the SSH protocol I was getting those parsing errors. Solution: Under WSL Ubuntu I git cloned the repo using the HTTPS protocol and the parsing errors were gone!
Once again I am not going to try to explain and I hope this will give someone with similar issue a direction to resolve such errors.
I am not sure it was even Windows because before I checked out the code locally I did import the Dremio GitHub repo into Azure Repos directly using the feature there so this is when it could have happened and later I had no code differences between my local working folder and my origin in the Dremio repo in Azure DevOps. Under WSL, I cloned the official Dremio repo. Lesson learned: DON’T use import repos just checkout and push to new origin