How to connect to azure data warehouse

Hi im trialing the docker img of dremio community

how do i connect to azure data warehouse? there’s no specific connector for it and the sql server connector fails

the connection string needs to specify the azure integrated security authentication type

"Server = " + $serverName + “; Authentication = Active Directory Integrated”


Currently we do not have a connector for AZ DW. Have you checked out Dremio Hub - Dremio

yes i looked. it only has 3 drivers, none of which are for azure dw

where in the dremio installation dir is the included sql server driver and metadata file? I want to play around with it to see if i can get it working.
the jdbc driver is the same for normal sql server and azure dw, my experience in other tools is its only a slight difference in the connection string


Even when this was working there was no separate connector but you need to add as a SQL server source. There was a new stored procedure included in SQL server that was not in Azure DW and it was failing to load the datasets, you will get an error like this

2019-01-24 13:54:15,579 [metadata-refresh-sqldw] ERROR c.d.e.s.j.d.a.ArpDialect$ArpSchemaFetcher - Error listing datasets for ‘sqldw’ Could not find stored procedure ‘sp_msforeachdb’.


The sp_msforeachdb sp is an undocumented/unofficial/internal use only stored proc. You shouldn’t be using unsupported/undocumented features in a production product. And I’m not surprised it doesn’t exist in the MPP version – it doesn’t make sense there…

Numerate over the ansi sql information_schema.tables dataset instead?

if you point me to the uncompiled version of the arp file for sql server i’ll give it a shot


any guidance on how to do a diy azure dw driver?

how/where should i lodge a bug about dremio using unsupported/undocumented MSSQL calls?


It’s my bad, we no longer use that stored procedure and have written our own. But still we do not support SQL DW, best place to start would Dremio Hub
