ODBC driver on MacOS

I downloaded the Dremio ODBC Driver for Mac, but I’m not able to find the related documentation e.g. how to configure the driver.

Unlike the ODBC driver for Windows, the drivers for Mac and Linux don’t provide a UI interface , but rely on configuration files.

MacOS comes with the iODBC framework preinstalled, and the system wide location for iODBC configuration files are located under /Library/ODBC (user configuration files are located under ~/Library/ODBC).

You can find example files under /Library/Dremio/ODBC/Setup to help you with the various options, and hopefully, it should be pretty self-explanatory. I’ll also open an internal issue to add more details for Linux and MacOS ODBC drivers.

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Have it working now; many thanks.


What about the corresponding problem on Linux? I’m on Ubuntu and had to install the rpm by using alien to convert it to a .deb first. Using the pyodbc connector I get

pyodbc.Error: (‘01000’, “[01000] [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Can’t open lib ‘Dremio ODBC Driver 64-bit’ : file not found (0) (SQLDriverConnect)”)

Found a short term fix by putting instead of the driver string “/opt/dremio-odbc/lib64/libdrillodbc_sb64.so” but would be nice to know how to setup the proper DSN.

Sorry, we don’t have packages ready for Debian/Ubuntu yet, and it seems alien conversion doesn’t take care of the postinstall script I guess.

Make sure you have unixODBC installed (but it seems it’s already the case). You can also find example DSN and driver config files under /opt/dremio-odbc/conf too.

Hi, Could someone post directions on how to configure the ODBC driver on the MAC. Thanks in advance!

Check here: http://docs.dremio.com/client-applications/tableau-mac.html

@jonesb you can use something like ODBC Manager to look if the driver was successfully installed.