Catalog/by-path should return consistent 404 not found error

When an entity is not found, in REST APIV3, querying a catalogue id by path returns

  • 404 error for space, and
  • 500 error for source

For example: GET returns

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found

while GET returns

HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error

"moreInfo": " No such file or directory: s3a://...

This makes it difficult to handle the error cases on the client side.

Request: It would be great if the REST API abstracts out correctly and returns 404 (Not Found) in all cases (irrespective of source or space) when an entity is not found. This might mean the Dremio handling the and returning 404 to the client instead of throwing and resulting 500.

@KrishnaPG Along with your other similar post, I have provided your feedback to the Catalog team, thanks