I’m using on-prem Dremio Software.
In PowerBI Desktop, it works fine. I choose Dremio Software as the Data Source, fill in the username and password of my Dremio Cluster, choose Direct Query mode, and thing works fine.
The problem is after I published the report to PowerBI Web Service, it didn’t work.
I got credential errors like the one below
I tried to edit credentials with my Dremio Cluster username and password but it doesn’t works. I think it’s because it’s cloud while my Dremio Software cluster is on-prem. Tried Auth Oath2 but no luck either.
I don’t understand why it automatically uses “cloud” data source? Is there anyway that I can just use my on-prem gateway and connect to Dremio Software cluster like normal MySQL or Postgre? I mean Dremio Software has jdbc connection, right? I can connect through jdbc like MySQL, so I want to do the same with PowerBI.
The problem is it automatically uses the “cloud” option and I can’t use my gateway like normal.