Power BI web - connection to dremio - Couldn't load the model schema associated with this report

  1. I am able to connect to dremio from my power bi desktop and the report is visible.

  2. When I publish to power bi web (app.powerbi.com - I am using power bi pro 60 days trial account for this) the report is published successfully. But when I open dataset it gives this error in PBI web:

    Error Desc:
    Cannot load model
    Couldn’t load the model schema associated with this report. Make sure you have a connection to the server, and try again. Please try again later or contact support. If you contact support, please provide these details.

I have configured the following locally.
a. Gateway on same local pc as power bi desktop: (IMPORTANT: it doesn’t pick my dremio custom connector although I have given path of the folder where Dremio.mez is there)

b. Gateway in power bi web: (i am not using SSL or encryption).

Please guide me on what I am missing or this is still not supported by power BI.


Do you have servername: portnumber, try changing it to servername, portnumber. Below post has several causes and possible solution

See if this helps? https://community.powerbi.com/t5/Desktop/Couldn-t-load-the-model-schema-Error-with-latest-PBIDesktop-live/td-p/44339

thanks for the link, let me check.

i have checked the posts and everthing is same, i m suspecting one issue. Why the on-premise data gateway does not pick the custom dremio connector which I have installed as part of dremio ODBC connectior setup. As per the below link exchange should pick the custom connectors file (Dremio.mez): https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/power-bi/connect-data/service-gateway-custom-connectors

Also as per step 4 in this link, it should pick Dremio connector as in the screenshot but my on-prem data gateway does not show Dremio connector even i specify the directory where the power bi connector is installed: