Hello everyone.
I’m currently running Dremio 4.9.1 (4.9.1-202010230218060541-2e764ed0 Community Edition).
When using the the current Docker Container I can’t get my existing Spaces and Users to work.
I copied /var/lib/dremio/db to DOCKER:opt/dremio/data but can’t figure out how to do this whole upgrade progress properly.
- Can these files be copied while the docker container is started to the default entrypoint?
- “Chown” has to be run after “docker cp” to set dremio:dremio as owner.
- What steps do I miss?
Is there any manual or documentation?
Kind regards
I figured it out.
Maybe sometime someone else stumbles upon this - so I will elaborate:
- Get Dremio Docker image
sudo docker pull dremio/dremio-oss
- If applicable: Stop current Dremio service
sudo service dremio stop
- Start Docker container (without starting Dremio!)
sudo docker run -d -it --entrypoint /bin/bash -p 9047:9047 -p 31010:31010 -p 45678:45678 dremio/dremio-oss
- Get ContainerID of new container
sudo docker ps -a
- Copy your current data to the container (replace ContainerID with your actual ContainerID)
sudo docker cp /var/lib/dremio/db/ ContainerID:opt/dremio/data/
- Connect to new Docker container as root (replace ContainerID with your actual ContainerID)
sudo docker exec -u root -it ContainerID /bin/bash
- Set Owner of copied files within container (replace ContainerID…) and exit
chown -R dremio:dremio /opt/dremio/data/db
- Connect to new Docker container as dremio (replace ContainerID with your actual ContainerID)
sudo docker exec -it ContainerID /bin/bash
- Run Dremio “upgrade” in container
/opt/dremio/bin/dremio-admin upgrade
- Start Dremio and exit
/opt/dremio/bin/dremio start
Maybe there are easier/smarter ways to do this but for now it works.