Properly upgrade to Docker

Hello everyone.

I’m currently running Dremio 4.9.1 (4.9.1-202010230218060541-2e764ed0 Community Edition).

When using the the current Docker Container I can’t get my existing Spaces and Users to work.

I copied /var/lib/dremio/db to DOCKER:opt/dremio/data but can’t figure out how to do this whole upgrade progress properly.

  1. Can these files be copied while the docker container is started to the default entrypoint?
  2. “Chown” has to be run after “docker cp” to set dremio:dremio as owner.
  3. What steps do I miss?

Is there any manual or documentation?

Kind regards

I figured it out.
Maybe sometime someone else stumbles upon this - so I will elaborate:

  1. Get Dremio Docker image
sudo docker pull dremio/dremio-oss
  1. If applicable: Stop current Dremio service
sudo service dremio stop
  1. Start Docker container (without starting Dremio!)
sudo docker run -d -it --entrypoint /bin/bash -p 9047:9047 -p 31010:31010 -p 45678:45678 dremio/dremio-oss
  1. Get ContainerID of new container
sudo docker ps -a
  1. Copy your current data to the container (replace ContainerID with your actual ContainerID)
sudo docker cp /var/lib/dremio/db/ ContainerID:opt/dremio/data/
  1. Connect to new Docker container as root (replace ContainerID with your actual ContainerID)
sudo docker exec -u root -it ContainerID /bin/bash
  1. Set Owner of copied files within container (replace ContainerID…) and exit
chown -R dremio:dremio /opt/dremio/data/db
  1. Connect to new Docker container as dremio (replace ContainerID with your actual ContainerID)
sudo docker exec -it ContainerID /bin/bash
  1. Run Dremio “upgrade” in container
/opt/dremio/bin/dremio-admin upgrade
  1. Start Dremio and exit
/opt/dremio/bin/dremio start

Maybe there are easier/smarter ways to do this but for now it works.